INSTALLATIONSDesign and installations of the Electrical power systems, low currentRead More
systems, structured cabling for the commercial, industrial and
residential buildings. -
AIR CONDITIONINGDesign Supply and Erection of chilled water systems, pumps, chilledRead More
water piping and installations of Chillers, FAHUs, AHUs
and FCUs etc. -
INSTALLATIONSInstallations of the sanitary equipments, Water heaters withRead More
necessary pipe works for the hot and cold water pipelines. -
INSTALLATIONSSupply and Installations of the Fire alarm systems includingRead More
Smoke detectors, Heat detectors and FACPs. -
PLANT INSTALLATIONSDesign, supply and installation of Large Ground Mount and Rooftop Solar Plant for Mechanical, Electrical and Civil worksRead More
which involves excavation, backfilling, crowning, inverter station preparations, PCC, PCE for Inverters,
Transformers, RMU foundations & Panels. We take care of the entire process of Solar Installation.
Our team consists of DEWA Certified, Shams Dubai approved engineers and solar experts
working to bring clean energy to Dubai.